Our hearts shattered when we first met Trout. We didn’t know the exact details of her life before Brother Wolf, but could clearly see pain mapped across her tiny body. This precious puppy was covered in burns – burns so deep that they had impacted her brain and nervous system making it difficult for her to walk in a straight line. Little Trout would find herself frustratedly spinning around in circles when she tried to walk or play. Her pain broke our hearts. 

Thankfully, with the help of Brother Wolf supporters and staff, Trout began her road to recovery. First up was physical therapy, including water aerobics to strengthen her muscles. Then red light therapy to address damaged brain cells. A very healthy diet and daily care routine gave her strength and reinforced positive interactions with humans.

Despite everything she had gone through in her few months of life, Trout remained a spunky and bright soul, spreading love everywhere she went. In fact, her unique quirks made a lasting impact on her foster family and they knew they couldn’t imagine their home without Trout. They made it official and adopted her!

Because of the support we receive from generous donors like you, Brother Wolf was able to provide Trout with all of the medical care and support she needed to heal both physically and emotionally. Thanks to you, she now has the love and kindness that she has always deserved.