We love partnering with other organizations to make good things happen for pets in need, so we were excited when the ASPCA Behavioral Rehabilitation Center reached out to see if we could help with a special case. Peonie had been with the ASPCA for several weeks going through their rehabilitation program for fearful dogs. She was rescued from a home that had over 60 animals and she was a very, very scared pup. Peonie was about to graduate from the program, and while she had made tremendous progress, she was still pretty fearful of new people and new experiences. The ASPCA was looking for a local rescue partner to find just the right home for Peonie and we were thrilled to help! At Brother Wolf, we discovered that Peonie felt more confident and happy when she got to share her living space with a puppy, so we partnered her with roommates who helped her learn that life isn’t always so scary and that people can be really kind (and sometimes they have yummy things called treats!). As Peonie’s confidence grew, the perfect family came along. She now lives with her dog sibling who she can lean on for comfort when she gets scared and human parents who show her kindness and patience every day. It’s thanks to supporters like you that Peonie has a great life ahead of her.