
At Brother Wolf, we often find ourselves shocked and amazed at the tremendous bravery animals can show, even in the worst situations…When our team met Ren, we couldn’t believe she was greeting us with big smiles and happy tail wags after all she’d been through…

Ren was found in a remote wooded area, where she was stuck in mud up to her chest, struggling to break free. Her rescuers had no idea how long she’d been there. All they knew was she desperately needed their help.

Ren is only alive today because of caring people like you who step up to support Brother Wolf’s lifesaving work, and right now, your generosity will be DOUBLED to have twice the impact on the lives of animals just like her.

Double my Donation Today!

Through the end of May, all donations will be matched up to $50,000 thanks to a generous supporter! When you send your gift to Brother Wolf, you bring care and comfort to animals like Ren suffering from neglect and pain.

After digging Ren out of the thick mud, her rescuers discovered a painful truth behind what happened to this poor girl. Ren had stepped in a hunting trap, and feeling like there was no other option, she had chewed her way to safety.

I want to save animals like Ren!

With a missing foot and a terrible infection spreading through her painful wound, Ren needed urgent vet care right away. We had to save Ren. She had fought so hard for her own life, and we wanted to fight for it, too.

Amputation was the best option to take away her pain and save her life. Ren’s healing journey would have never ever started without help from kind people like you.

When animals have nowhere else to turn, Brother Wolf is here to give them critical medical attention, daily care, and love.

Will you please help us take advantage of this incredible opportunity to DOUBLE all donations so that we can spread double the care to suffering animals? Please rush your generous gift today! Together we will show animals like Ren the kindness they have always deserved, thank you.