After three weeks of monitoring the health of over 80 dogs, we’re cautiously celebrating today as we announce that our pneumonia quarantine is over!

We’re so lucky that thanks to quick, emergency vet care, we did not lose any dogs to this illness. Many of our dogs have their full energy back now and are ready for some adventure time outside of our adoption center!

We can’t thank you all enough for the outpouring of support we received. From people volunteering their time, to opening their homes, and giving generously to help with vet care costs – it takes all of us working together to help the animals we love, and we’re endlessly appreciative of your care and kindness.

While we know that dog pneumonia cases are being seen at just about every vet office in our community (as well as many communities across the country), and we know that we could have a recurrence due to the highly contagious nature of this illness, for now, we are breathing a big sigh of relief. Thank you for supporting the animals of Brother Wolf through this!

Dog and puppy adoptions, as well as volunteer activities, have returned to normal as of today. Interested in volunteering? Learn more here.