
We need your help. Over the last 16 years in animal rescue, we have learned that things can change for the better or worse in a second. We are currently living that reality, and this time, it’s bad.

We noticed a few dogs were acting strange. Usually running to greet us and give kisses, they could barely hold their heads up and were gasping for air. Their eyes begged us for help.

We got them emergency vet care right away, and it was determined they are dealing with a highly contagious strain of pneumonia.

It is beyond words to describe how painful it is to see innocent dogs suffering, and we are putting all our resources into helping them heal.

To keep our community safe, we are pausing dog and puppy adoptions until further notice to reduce community spread.

Dogs in critical condition are still at the vet hospital; others are recovering in the shelter.

To give these dogs their best shot at recovery, we desperately need you.

Here is how you can help:

Share: Share this post with friends, family, and neighbors. Word of mouth can make a critical difference.

Volunteer: We have volunteer shifts available. Each hour-long shift will provide a single puppy or dog with love, affection, and reassurance that everything will be okay. Let us know if you want more information.

Donate: We now face unanticipated costs above and beyond our average yearly medical budget. Any amount will help.

Thank you for being here for the animals who need you most. Thank you for your kindness and support – now and always.

Donate now to help them heal.