mobile clinic frequently asked questions
Appointment Questions
Questions about scheduling and canceling appointments, adding services, and more.
Medical Questions
Questions about pet age and weight, vaccines and medications, preparing your pet for surgery, follow-up care, and more.
Other Questions
Questions about financial assistance, potential additional charges, feral cats, mobile clinic locations, inclement weather, and more.
Appointment Questions
How do I schedule an appointment?
If you can make an appointment at your pet’s veterinary clinic, we ask you to do so as appointments with our clinic are extremely limited and are meant to help families who face financial barriers to accessing spay/neuter surgery. Click here to schedule an appointment for your pet. All appointments are for spay and neuter, and our additional services (like vaccines or microchipping) can be added from a drop down menu when you book your appointment. Appointments are scheduled a maximum of three weeks in advance and new appointments are released every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 10am. If we do not have availability for your pet, please continue to check back for new openings.
What if I need to cancel my appointment?
If you need to cancel your appointment, reach out to us right away at or 828-505-3440 x111. Appointments that are cancelled or rescheduled more than a week in advance will receive a full refund. Appointments that are cancelled or rescheduled less than a week in advance will not receive a refund.
What if I miss my appointment?
Missed appointments will not receive a refund, no exceptions.
How do the appointments work?
You will receive a confirmation email with important appointment information, including our address, times of drop off and pick up, and pre-surgery instructions. You will also be emailed a consent form to fill out. If you are unable to fill out your consent form online, you will be able to do so the morning of your appointment. You MUST drop off and pick up at the designated time.
Can I schedule vaccines or microchipping for my pet without scheduling a spay or neuter surgery?
We only offer vaccines and additional services at the time of a spay or neuter surgery. We do not offer wellness exams or additional services such as teeth cleaning, grooming, or dew claw removal. We recommend that you establish a relationship with a full service veterinarian in your area for ongoing care for your pet.
How do I add additional services once I have made my appointment?
If you decide you would like to add any additional services or vaccines after you have made and paid for your appointment, you can email or ask at drop off. Payment for all added services must be made at drop off.
Medical Questions
How much does my pet need to weigh?
Our appointments are for pets who are at least two months old and who weigh between 2 – 40lbs. Please note that due to the size of our mobile clinic, we are not able to accommodate dogs who weigh more than 40lbs.
At what age can I spay or neuter my pet?
Our Mobile Clinic will spay and neuter animals as young as two months old. We recommend that surgery be scheduled before your pet reaches sexual maturity to prevent unplanned litters and the risk of mammary and testicular cancers. We urge clients to consult with a full-service veterinarian in their area for specific recommendations for their pet’s health.
We strongly recommend preoperative blood work be performed at a full service veterinarian’s office for any senior pet (7 years or older). Blood work results can be emailed ahead of time to
What can I expect on the day of surgery?
When you arrive, please leave your pet in the car and come to the check-in table at our mobile clinic. At this time, you will complete any additional paperwork, show verification of rabies vaccination (if applicable), and pay any additional fees for added services using cash or card; we cannot accept checks. When you pick your pet up in the afternoon, we will explain post-op care instructions, as well as provide a written copy of this information to you. All pets will be given pain medication at the time of surgery.
If, upon examination, our veterinarian determines that your pet is a high risk candidate for surgery, our staff will contact you. If we are not able to reach you, your pet will not receive surgery that day.
Does my pet need to fast the night before surgery?
Dogs and cats over six months old should have all food withheld after 10pm the night before surgery. Puppies and kittens under six months old may have one tablespoon of food the morning of surgery. Do not withhold water for any animals.
Will my pet receive pain medication or antibiotics?
All pets receive injections of pain medication at the time of surgery and lidocaine blocks at their incision site during surgery. Dogs are sent home with additional oral medication to be given over the next three day to help with swelling and soreness. Our veterinarian determines during surgery if a pet will need antibiotics. An additional $20 will be added to your total to cover the cost of these antibiotics, and this fee will be collected when you pick up your pet.
Do I bring my pet back for follow-up care?
No. The only services we provide are those performed on the mobile clinic the day of surgery. Because of our travel schedule, we are not able to accommodate rechecks on our mobile clinic. If complications arise from a spay or neuter surgery, your pet will need to be taken to your own vet. Most stitches given at the time of surgery are dissolvable and do not need to be removed, though it can take several months for the stitches to fully dissolve. If your pet was given stitches that need to be removed, you will be informed during pick up. A note informing you when our mobile clinic can remove the stitches will be included on the printed instructions you receive, and this service will be provided for free.
What if I don’t want my pet to receive a rabies vaccine?
By law, we are required to administer a rabies vaccine to any pet four months or older who does not have proof of a current rabies vaccination. Proof of vaccination status can be submitted to, uploaded at the time that you make your appointment, or brought to the clinic the day of your appointment. We will not call your vet’s office or accept proof submitted after the pet has been dropped off. The proof must be paperwork from a vet’s office or clinic that includes the date and a description or name of the pet. We can not accept a tag as proof.
What if my pet is in heat?
We recommend waiting until your pet is out of heat if she is not at risk for getting pregnant. We will still spay an animal in heat and do not charge an additional fee for pets in heat.
What if my pet is pregnant?
We will spay an animal who is pregnant (the fetuses do not survive the procedure). There is an additional $10 fee for an animal who is pregnant. We do not provide ultrasounds or other testing to determine if a pet is pregnant before spay.
Do you do preoperative blood work?
No. Any preoperative blood work must be completed at your own full service vet and can be submitted to us in advance by emailing Preoperative blood work is not required.
Other Questions
What if I can’t afford to have my pet spayed/neutered?
We routinely apply for grant funds to subsidize the costs of surgeries and vaccines. Oftentimes these grants are for individuals who receive other forms of government aid or who live in a particular area. If you need financial assistance, please complete this financial assistance request form or reach out to us at 828-505-3440 x111 to see if we’re able to help.
Are there any additional charges I should be prepared to pay at pick up?
Our clinic charges an additional fee for: pets who are cryptorchid ($35), pets who are pregnant ($10), or pets who need additional antibiotics or other medications ($20). Please be prepared to pay additional fees at pick up. Any additional charges not paid at pick up will be emailed to you in an invoice following your appointment.
Is an e-collar (protective cone collar) included in the surgery fee?
Yes, e-collars are provided as a courtesy for all publicly owned dogs seen at our clinic. All other patients can purchase one for an additional $10.
Do I have to live in a particular area to use the mobile clinic?
We encourage clients to schedule appointments in their own counties, or in immediate neighboring counties, so that we have availability to serve the residents of each community we visit.
Do you spay/neuter feral cats on the mobile clinic?
Yes. Feral cats must be brought in a humane trap. If you need a trap, contact your local shelter for more information on how to rent a trap in your county. All feral cats will receive an ear tip and rabies vaccine with their surgery fee.
What happens if the weather prevents the mobile clinic from operating?
The clinic may be cancelled due to inclement weather in our home county (Buncombe County), our service county, or any counties in between our home and service county that we would need to drive through. We will contact appointments by phone to reschedule as soon as a decision is made to cancel a clinic due to inclement weather.
Will the mobile clinic come to my home?
No. Our mobile clinic travels to areas needing affordable S/N resources and provides support for both owned animals and shelter animals. You will need to transport your pet to and from the mobile clinic for surgery. The exact location of our clinic varies in each area.