The human-animal bond is an incredible thing to witness. We often see just the initial sparks during the adoption process, so it makes our hearts swell when adopters send follow-up stories to us, and Queso’s is one we’ll never forget. Queso is a beautiful, fluffy, affectionate cat and she was adopted in no time. Her adoptive family knew it would be great to have her as part of their family, but they never expected that this little kitty would be a puzzle piece they were desperate for. Their young daughter was going through chemo treatment, and from the moment Queso met her, they became inseparable. The girl’s mother told us that having Queso’s companionship has brightened her daughter’s life during a very difficult time and has made her feel safe and cared for, suddenly being able to sleep in her own bed again with Queso cuddled by her side. We have no doubt that the healing power of love is enhancing both of their lives, and we’re so honored to have been able to bring them together.